Pure delicious chocolatey indulgence, with the twist of being incredibly good for you. One to convert even the unbelievers. Test it out on them & only tell them it's healthy afterwards.
This is the first recipe I have attempted to quantify & share so do let me know how you go with my instructions & whether they are clear. I usually make it up as I go along, but this one was so good I had lots of requests for the recipe & wanted to write it down so I could recreate it myself. Also the name is a bit clunky & if anyone has a better idea I'm open to suggestions.
Chocolate Orange Truffle Torte:
For the Base:
10 Dates
Handful of raisins
75g Walnuts (or any nut of your choice)
75g Coconut flour or desiccated coconut
2 tablespoons of dehydrated buckwheat (soak over-night & dehydrate until crunchy in the lowest oven setting on a baking sheet)
3 tablespoons coconut oil (melted so liquid)
For the Truffle:
½ tin coconut milk (at least 60% coconut)
1 small Avocado
2 Bananas
75g dates, raisins, sultanas, cranberries, prunes (in any mixture) soaked in boiling water for at least 30 mins.
Juice & finely grated rind of 1 organic orange
2 tablespoons of coconut oil (melted so liquid)
3 heaped tablespoons of raw cacao powder
- Soak the dried fruit for the torte in boiling water & set aside for 30 mins.
- Blitz the nuts until fine but still with some chunks.
- Add coconut, dates (with stones removed), raisins & coconut oil & blend until mixed & forming a kind of dough.
- Take tin (6inch by 6inch ish & 2 inches deep) & line bottom & sides with baking paper (preferably one sheet that overlaps the top slightly as makes for easy removal, place large sheet in tray & cut diagonally in at the corners & cut out excess paper.)
- Press the mixture down into the base of the tray, use a piece of baking paper to really press it down well so it is even across the bottom.
- Wash blender bowl & blade. Drain all of the liquid from the dried fruit, then place all of the ingredients inside the blender. Blend for at least 10 mins. This helps the coconut milk to set. If your blender is not strong enough then blend for a few minutes then give your blender a rest & chance to cool down before continuing.
- Put mixture on top of the base & smooth out. Place in fridge to set for 4 hours before serving. (Can speed up process by putting in the freezer for a while.)
- When the mixture is set remove from the tin by lifting the side of the baking paper gently. Place on chopping board & cut into pieces & ENJOY.